
pam at table

Pam Summa graduated from Massachusetts College of Art with a BFA in printmaking in 1981. She has been a waitress, a muralist, a gardener, and a fake-blood wrangler, among other things. She became an academic editor while working as a “temporary indefinite” at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. She became a coach when someone started paying her for the advice she was handing out in the anthropology department (still at Harvard). She currently lives in Seattle.

One reason for this site is to recreate the atmosphere of the kitchen in Somerville, MA, and the conversations that used to go on around the table at night.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. ljt922 says:

    Great site Pam and love the picture 🙂

  2. pamsumma says:

    Emily Arkin took it. She’s good at waiting until I’m not noticing the camera.

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